In the second of two articles on state-of-the-art Customer Information Systems at the CFL, I’ll address the free WLAN pilot project currently in operation at the Luxembourg City and Ettelbrück train stations, as well as CFL and Social Media.
This WLAN pilot project allows customers, thanks to geolocalisation, to log into the customised CFL WLAN, use the diverse information available on the homepage and communicate to CFL in real time their feedback - ideas and suggestions for improvement, etc. - in order to further upgrade this new, extended WLAN service.
Journey times, live traffic info, travel ideas and special offers, as well as job vacancies at the CFL, can be seen at a glance on the WLAN homepage. Wireless surfing is possible during station opening times. Following the trial period, the service is to be extended even further: The CFL will incorporate the results of this pilot project to also offer the improved WLAN service to other stations across Luxembourg’s rail network. Accordingly, about 10 stations should also be fitted with WLAN technology. Amongst others, the free WLAN connection should also be set up at the new intermodal interchange hubs at Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg and Howald.
The social networks
The CFL already operates a number of effective information channels such as the CFL website, the “CFL mobile” App and the InfoPoint at the main station in Luxembourg, to name but a few.
However, digital communication channels are playing an increasingly important role in our society and in progressive businesses. On 2 February, the CFL decided to take the important step into the world of digital social communication, creating its own pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube and setting up its own blog. The firm objective is to be closer to its customers, to supply them on the one hand with information and, on the other, to listen to them actively and to engage and interact with them.
Listening – understanding customers, optimising services
By engaging via social media, the CFL has extremely rapid and effective feedback channels at its disposal. Through so-called “monitoring”, i.e. the daily analysis of what is posted on social media, including also posts on the CFL website, any comments or suggestions can be identified and passed on to the respective departments.
Leading to discoveries – explaining and inspiring
Many people are not aware that there is considerably more to CFL than ‘just’ being a transport service provider. The steps taken to participate in social media give the CFL access to additional channels to explain the multi-faceted nature of its activities, professions, work environments and numerous stories behind the seemingly ordinary daily routine.
Even ‘irritating’ construction sites can suddenly make sense with the aid of targeted and processed information, e.g. as a photo story on the blog and as the background, procedures and motives behind the work are explained to customers. A great potential for stirring up general curiosity and enthusiasm is, amongst other things, reports on the various technical aids, such as the Swietelsky track-renewal train (you can find a video on this at http://blog.cfl.lu).
The CFL Facebook page and blog are especially effective in covering these points and should lead to discoveries, explanations and inspiration. The same applies to the numerous “unknown” CFL professions and work environments, which can be presented via social media. By its presence on LinkedIn, the CFL Group aims to position itself more intensely as an attractive employer, to present innumerable professions and to inspire and recruit new talent as a result.
Information – in real time and on the go
Thanks to its viral character, CFL views Twitter as the perfect channel to convey information on what is currently happening on Luxembourg’s rail network. Via the CFL Twitter account (@CFLinfos), customers have access to real-time information on disruptions to the railway service.
In this case, hashtags (#) provide orientation. Customers who, for example, are standing at the track and who want to know whether and why their train is delayed can check this by using the relevant hashtag. Commuters on line 90 (Luxembourg – Thionville – Nancy) already use this service on a daily basis and regularly keep themselves updated via #CFLINFOS90. In the days and weeks following the train accident on 14 February 2017, the CFL Twitter account proved to be especially helpful in keeping the customers permanently updated on the current railway service situation.