
The City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg – VdL) is organising a new edition of the "Rencontres sans frontières" (meetings without borders) sporting and cultural event at the Boy Konen sports complex in Cessange on Sunday 16 June 2024, from 10:00 to 19:00.

The event is designed to celebrate cultural diversity and promote family engagement through a variety of activities for all ages.

Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to engage in sports workshops and demonstrations, enjoy traditional music and dance from various cultures and partake in a range of children's entertainment activities. The event will also feature numerous food stands, offering a unique culinary journey with specialties from around the world.

On the agenda are football and beach volleyball tournaments, cycling activities at the Boy Konen Bike Park, a rugby activity reserved for women and an intercultural party combining music, dances, games and entertainment for the whole family.

The event is organised in collaboration with the VdL's liaison and action committee for foreigners (Comité de Liaison des Associations d'Etrangers - CLAE).

Football tournaments

Each football tournament is open to both men and women and will be played with teams made up of nine players, including six outfield players, a goalkeeper and two reserve players. Each team will have a maximum of four players of the same nationality. Matches will last 10-20 minutes. Teams of fewer than nine players will be supplemented by individual registrations. Several tournaments will be played in different age categories (aged six and up).

Beach volleyball tournament

The beach volleyball tournament is open to men, women and young people aged thirteen and over. Teams will be made up of five players including four on the field and one reserve. Each team will have a maximum of three players of the same nationality. Teams of fewer than five players will be supplemented by individual registrations.

New for 2024: Touch Rugby tournament

A new addition this year is a rugby tournament aimed specifically at girls and women of all ages who wish to explore this sport. The competition will be supervised by experienced referees and players who will give a brief introduction and explain the basic rules.

Activities for all ages at Bike Park Boy Konen

Numerous cycling activities are also planned from 12:00 at Bike Park Boy Konen, with registrations taking place the same day from 11:00. Bicycles will be made available to participants while stock lasts. The minimum age for participation is ten years old.

Venue: Boy Konen Sports Complex (279 Rue des Sports, L-1321 Luxembourg-Cessange)

Organiser: Ville de Luxembourg

Price: Free

Reservations: See above

URL: For details, see