
The American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (AMCHAM) is organising, in collaboration with MindForest and the Luxembourg-American Chamber of Commerce (LACC) New York, a webinar entitled "Learn about Change to learn Change" on Wednesday 20 October 2021, from 18:00 to 19:00.

Trends and demands are shifting faster than ever before. Where consistency and tradition were once the way of doing things, change is now imposing its rules. Organisations have no choice but to adapt and change if they want to remain competitive and interesting for their customers.

Change in organisations has become a permanent reality. It is estimated that today employees undergo an average of three changes simultaneously. But despite this, according to research by McKinsey & Company, 70% of them still fail.

Are too many people still improvising when managing a change project? Or why are there still so many failures when a lot of project management methods exist and have been proven to work?

How do you consider the human aspect of change and encourage employee acceptance? How do you navigate and structure change?

This webinar aims to answer such questions and help participants succeed in their future change projects.

Speaking at this event are Lene Pedersen, Employee Experience, Engagement and Change Management Consultant at MindForest, and Aurélie Poncelet, Change Management Consultant and CHANGEx Project Manager at MindForest.

Further information, including free registration, is available at

Venue: Online

Organiser: AMCHAM

Price: Free

Reservations: See above