
Details: Organised under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg, by the Centre National de Recherche Archéologique of Luxembourg in cooperation with the University of Luxembourg, the University of Cologne, the international conference Thermae in Context - The Roman Bath in Town and in Life will take place from 21-24 February 2013 at the Neumünster Abbey Cultural Meeting Centre in Luxembourg-City.  

Renowned archaeologists as well as young researchers from at least ten different countries will meet, present their studies and discuss two aspects of the social function of Roman bath buildings.  

The conference will start with an excursion to the Roman vicus at Dalheim and its bath building. This trip prepares the first session of the following day when three lectures cover the Roman settlement at Dalheim. The first item of the conference will be all activities which are not directly related to bathing and body care. They can be ascertained from small finds from different areas of the bath building. The second topic will be urban planning and the position of a bath building in the geographical and social context of Roman settlements. The combination of these two issues should give new impetus to future studies on Roman baths and thermae beyond the (usual) analyses of architecture, room sequences and corresponding literary sources.  

The conference will conclude with an excursion to Trier to experience the archaeological richness of the spectacular Imperial and Barbara Baths.  


Venue: Abbaye de Neumunster

Organiser: various


Ticketing: Registration is mandatory:



Price: 0

Reservations: 0