Details: The Sacred Heart University, in collaboration with PaperJam, M(a)Gsolutions and the European Commission, is holding a series of conferences entitled "Luxembourg: where we came from; where we are; where lies our possible future?". Conference 3 The European destiny of a small country – December 13 Conference 4 Industry means steel in Luxembourg. Still true? – January 17 Conference 5 Finance & Technology: Two pillars of the Luxembourg economy – February 21 Conference 6 Champions League: Regional and urban development – March 14 Conference 7 Brain-driven future? – April 18 Conference 8 The beauty and the beast – May 16 Conference 9 Summing up: A tentative sketch of Luxembourg in 2030 – June 12 Conferences are open to the public with free entry. Venue: Sacred Heart University, John F. Welch College of Business, c/o Chambre de Commerce, 7 rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-2981 Luxembourg-Kirchberg Organiser: Sacred Heart University Price: free Ticketing: URL: www.shu.lu & www.sacredheart.edu Info:
Price: 0
Reservations: 0