
The Miami University Luxembourg Foundation is organising a US Presidential Election event at POST Luxembourg's HELIX headquarters in Luxembourg-Gare on Tuesday 8 October 2024; doors open at 18:00, with the presentation starting at 18:15.

Organised as part of the foundation's inaugural celebration events and with the support of the US Embassy in Luxembourg, this event will feature a presentation and panel discussion with Dr Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, former president of the League of Women Voters of the United States and retired adjunct assistant professor at the School of Education of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr Jefferson-Jenkins was also Miami University's 2021 Commencement Speaker and honorary PhD recipient.

Speaking about the US Presidential Election (5 November 2024), the organisers noted that the fight has moved on to the swing states, where the candidates are vying to increase their margins and mobilise more voters to their side. What are the current demographic trends and issues? Can women and minorities help deliver the necessary 270 Electoral College votes and victory?

The event will conclude with a small reception.

To attend, RSVP by 4 October 2024 by email:

Venue: POST Luxembourg Bâtiment HELIX (38 Place de la Gare, L-1616 Luxembourg)

Organiser: Miami University Luxembourg Foundation

Price: n/a

Reservations: See above (email)