
The Ramborn Cider Haff has announced it will put on a special "Wassail" event to celebrate the New Year on Saturday 13 January 2024 from 16:00 in Born.

Wassail is an ancient tradition that dates back to Anglo-Saxon times. During this time, people would drink hot spiced cider, sing songs and bless the apple trees to ensure a bountiful harvest. Ramborn decided to adapt this tradition by planting a young tree and showing participants how to care for an old one.

The event will also offer live music, traditional Luxembourgish soup (with a vegan option available) and plenty of cider. There will be a free product tasting from 16:00 and a free cup of Ramborn mulled cider. Participants will be able to learn more about cider-making, partake in a guided visit of the orchards by night and take part in the tree planting and care ceremony.

Spots are limited and booking is required. A ticket costs €40.

Venue: Ramborn (Duerfstrooss 23, L-6660 Born)

Organiser: Ramborn

Price: €40

Reservations: Required

URL: For details, see