The Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du travail et des mines - ITM) has announced that 48 hours after the electoral operations for the designation of staff delegates, the provisional results were positive, with a current participation rate of 85%.
The Inspectorate of Labour and Mines oversees working relationships and conditions health and the safety of workers.
As of Tuesday 12 March 2024, 4,221 potentially eligible companies, which employed at least fifteen employees between 1 February 2023 and 31 January 2024, were asked to appoint their staff representatives. Thanks to digitalisation, the first election results have already been published on the ITM website between Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 March 2024, at one minute past midnight.
Election results are available at three levels:
- total companies at the national level (majority and proportional system);
- total companies by economic sector (majority and proportional system);
- total per company.
The data on the site is continually updated, thanks to the transmission of the results recorded by the companies on the electronic platform www.myguichet.lu.3,426 companies have used the electronic platform to declare their candidates. 2,911 companies used the electronic platform to declare their results. The last update was received at 10:30 on Thursday 14 March 2024:
- majority elections: 897;
- automatic majority elections: 1,436;
- proportional elections: 390;
- automatic proportional elections: 188.
The ITM noted it will verify the individual files of the 226 companies which have not yet finalised the electoral procedures, namely the declaration of results. The ITM will also examine the files of the 493 companies which did not carry out the elections.