The Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg (IBCL) has announced that it is holding a conference on "Enhancing Student Wellbeing Through Technology" on the Kirchberg Campus of the University of Luxembourg on Wednesday 26 February 2025, from 17:30 to 19:30.
The conference, organised together with the University of Luxembourg and Schoolmait, will bring together experts, educators, parents and strudents to explore "innovative tools and strategies to enhance social, emotional and physical wellbeing in education".
The event will feature keynotes, real-world case studies and panel discussions, promising to offer "practical insights into leveraging technology to foster healthier and more resilient learning environments".
Dr Carolina Catunda, Research Scientist at the University of Luxembourg, is set to deliver the keynote address, while Schoolmait co-founder Yuval Somekh will present the case study. The roundtable will bring together: Patrizia Luchetta, ESG leader and founder; Naomi T., Head Student at St George's International School; Kate Ramsay, Primary School Teacher and SMSC Coordinator at St George's International School; Ilias Sviatko, Research & Development Specialist at the University of Luxembourg (SnT).
The cost of attending this event is free for IBCL members, as well as for youth/students, and €30 for non-members.
Register via the GoogleDocs form here. Non-members should transfer €30 to the IBCL bank account (BGL BNP Paribas): LU03 0030 6733 4505 0000.