The University of Luxembourg has announced that it is introducing an application fee, starting in the academic year 2022-23.
The fee is set at €50 per application and is aimed at supporting the administration of applications. It will apply as of the next admission period for each application to a study programme for the 2022-23 academic year (application opening is February 2022). The fee will apply to all student applicants, regardless of their nationality or country of residence. No applicant may apply for more than three study programmes at the university.
Successful applicants who enrol in a study programme will have the application fee deducted from their first semester tuition. However, the fee will not be refunded if an application is rejected.
The application fee will not apply to students who progress from one semester to the next within their programme of study. It will also not apply to student applicants who are registered at the university, have successfully completed their study programme and wish to continue their studies at the University of Luxembourg (strictly speaking only when transferring from a Bachelor to a Master programme).
Moreover, the application fee will not apply to doctoral studies, complementary courses leading to certificates or guest students. Thee fee will also be waived for students who have joined the university under international agreements with partner universities, as well as for students on mobility at the University of Luxembourg as part of an Erasmus programme.
The University of Luxembourg has introduced a digital ("paperless") application procedure in spring 2021. The application fee is in the context of a constant improvement of the level of service offered.
At present, there are around 4,900 students enroled in the various Bachelor and Master programmes at the University of Luxembourg. For the 2021-22 academic year, the university has received 15,100 applications for admission to its Bachelor's and Master's programmes, including 11,700 new applications for first-time enrolment.