St George's International School is once again set to host its annual Summer Fayre on Saturday 8 June 2024, celebrating the school's international community with multiple international stands showcasing diverse cultures and cuisines in the school's yard in Luxembourg-Hamm from 11:00 to 15:00.
The event will feature a variety of family-friendly activities, including bouncy castles, a tombola, face painting and more. Attendees can also look forward to dance and musical performances by the school's music and performing arts students, who will put on shows in the auditorium and outside, throughout the day. Friends, family and the wider community can all join in the festivities. Entry costs €5; all proceeds from the event are donated to charity.
At this year's Summer Fayre (an event which has been around for ten years), Chronicle.lu will also be distributing its Community Directory, a publication presenting information about living and working in Luxembourg (emergency contacts, Luxembourgish traditions, Luxembourgish cuisine, top tourist spots, healthcare, transport and recycling).
Speaking to Chronicle.lu, Anamaria Manciu, PA to the School Principal at St George's International School, who is in charge of the event's organisation this year, gave more details about what is in store for this edition.
Chronicle.lu: How many stands and what countries can we expect to see represented at this year's Summer Fayre?
Anamaria Manciu: This year, we have eleven international stands selling food and cakes, representing South Africa, Pakistan, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Lebanon and Ukraine. Additionally, there will be stands for Scandinavia, cake stands hosted by the Friends of St George's and the British Ladies Club, and a Sports for Uganda stand led by a colleague and a St George's graduate, which will also sell food and collect donations of sporting equipment for children in Uganda.
Chronicle.lu: What new activities or stalls can attendees look forward to at this year's Summer Fayre compared to last year's event?
Anamaria Manciu: The Summer Fayre will feature music and dance performances and fun activities for children. New this year are stands from the British Ladies Club, British Luxembourg Society, and the Chronicle [Chronicle.lu]. The BLS will sell UK-Luxembourg Links books, the BLC will offer cakes to raise funds, and the Chronicle will share its Community Directories and information about the British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg 2024. We also welcome Sea Shepherd, a marine conservation organisation, present at our fayre exactly on World Ocean Day. Our school nurse will have a health hub promoting healthy eating and mental health, with surprise activities for children. The Primary Student Council will run outdoor games and the Secondary Student Parliament will sell second-hand books and lemonade to support their chosen charities (SOS Villages d'Enfants Monde, Make a Wish Foundation International, Secondary: Doctors without Borders and KJT). This year, we will also have a Trip Down Memory Lane with photographs from our extensive archives, leading to our new alumni exhibition where we showcase ten former students and highlight their journeys after leaving St George's.
Chronicle.lu: Was there anything successful from the last year(s) that you are planning to bring back?
Anamaria Manciu: We're bringing back popular activities like face painting, tombola, the bouncy castle, yoga for kids and sponge the teacher. The international food stands, fish and chips truck, hot dogs and popcorn stand and the ice cream van have become traditions that we look forward to continuing.
Chronicle.lu: Were there any "lessons learned" from past events that you are planning to implement?
Anamaria Manciu: While not necessarily "lessons learned", we aim to make the event greener, as sustainability is core to our school values. This year, secondary [school] students are encouraging attendees to bring their own cups for lemonade to reduce waste, an idea we hope to extend event-wide. Community engagement and the need to stay flexible and adaptable are also important to us, ensuring the fayre's success despite any challenges.