Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party (LSAP) has announced that its youth wing, the Jonk Sozialisten (young socialists), is currently co-organising a seminar weekend with the Young European Socialists, and in coopoeration with the European Parliament group the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), from 23-26 January 2020 in Luxembourg.

This four-day event features several workshops, policy drafting and discussions and speeches led by the YES Green New Deal Working Group and a programme for the development and enhancement of organisations' internal education structures led by the YES Education Network.

During the weekend, there will also be a TED talk, in English, with several MEPs in the presence of Luxembourg's Marc Angel (LSAP) and EU Commissioner Nicolas Schmit. This TED talk will be held on the evening of Friday 24 January 2020 at Maison de l'Europe in Luxembourg-ville (7 Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, 1728 Luxembourg). Speakers will be allowed twelve minutes each, followed by a 15-minute moderated Q&A.

TED Talk Programme

- Welcoming remarks by MEP Marc Angel
- TED talks by: French MEP Pierre Larrouturou on the topic of "The Climate - Finance pact"; Spanish MEP Nicolás González Casares on the topic of "Let's do more and let's do it quickly! How we can act for planet and people"; Spanish MEP Alícia Homs Ginel on the topic of "How to make the future of work working both for the planet and the people".

The session will be moderated by YES Political Officer, Caroline Sundberg. Only participants in the programme can attend.