Communications service provider, Tango, dialled out of 2016 with a turnover of €127 million, a drop of 1.9% against 2015 due in large part to new European regulations on roaming charges and also new rules creating identity obligations for mobile phone users.
The company, which offers TV, internet, fixed and mobile phone services, said that average earnings per customer had dropped 3.9% as a result of the new regulations. They’ve also seen a 4% drop in the number of mobile subscribers, down to 277,000, as a result of the new identity obligations.
On the other hand, the drops were offset by the growing success of subscriptions without devices. “Smart” subscriptions remained the main internet growth driver and had exceeded all expectations with a customer base that grew by more than 17,000, an increase of 8% on the year before. The TV customer base went even further with an increase of 18%.
Jean-François Willame, managing director, was pleased with how the company had come through a difficult year. "2016 was more than ever a year of challenges. To anticipate regulatory changes we decided to offer our customers simpler products with even more possibilities. This philosophy, which Tango holds dear, has borne fruit and today we can boast of an 8% growth in our mobile subscriber customer base, the highest growth in this segment. Another example of the growing customer trust was our remarkable growth on the fixed Internet and TV markets. Bolstered by this trust, we will continue to improve our product portfolio in 2017 in order to always offer our customers the best of technology,” he said.