On Tuesday 17 September 2024, Luxembourg's national lottery, the Loterie Nationale, announced the launch of its first sports betting site: Loteriesport.lu.

Available for a few weeks now, this new website is part of the ongoing installation of over 160 sports betting terminals across Luxembourg.

With nearly 40 sports available on loteriesport.lu, sports fans will have access to a variety of disciplines ranging from football to basketball, tennis and more. The offer includes major leagues but also lesser-known competitions.

The Loterie Nationale noted that the launch of this sports betting site reflects its "continued commitment to meeting the needs and interests of [its] player community".

In addition to sports betting, loteriesport.lu offers a range of electronic games similar to those already available on the Loterie Nationale terminals.

To celebrate this launch, loteriesport.lu is offering players a welcome bonus: new users will see their first bet refunded up to €50 if it is a loser.

The Loterie Nationale assured that "transparency, security and player protection are at the heart of this new site", adding that it has been actively combating illegal gaming terminals in points of sale since 2019, by offering legal and responsible alternatives.

All of the proceeds generated by the Loterie Nationale are used to finance (through the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte) social, cultural, environmental and sporting projects in Luxembourg. Since 1945, the national lottery has generated €543 million in profits which have been entirely distributed to the Œuvre for its philanthropic missions.