Various Luxembourg ministries are launching the "I'mPOSSIBLE" pilot project to promote inclusion in and through sports.

Young students between the ages of six and twelve in Luxembourg primary schools will be the first to benefit from this project, launched by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of Sport and the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region, under the project leadership of the Luxembourg Paralympic Committee (LPC).

The aim of the "I'mPOSSIBLE" project is to promote social inclusion by raising awareness of the Paralympic Movement.The project is a new global education programme run by the Agitos Foundation, the global organisation for the promotion of sport for people with impairments. In line with the objectives of the National Framework Plan "Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen" 2018-2025, the project focuses on the integration of people with disabilities through sport.

After successfully conducting "I'mPOSSIBLE" in Japan, Malawi and Kazakhstan, the above-mentioned ministries and the LPC will jointly implement this initiative in primary schools between the Easter and summer holidays, making Luxembourg one of the first European countries where this project will be implemented as a pilot project, albeit in a first phase.

On 4 April, the project will kick off with a training course for teachers, trainers and sports therapists in the Rehabilitation Centre Luxembourg. During this training, led by the Agitos Foundation and the LPC, participants will gain theoretical and practical knowledge for later implementation in schools, sports clubs and other organisations. The extensive teaching materials, specially created for the project, will also be presented during training. These materials include classroom planning, presentations, short films on the Paralympic and Paralympic Movement and interactive lesson planning. These are aimed also for use on specific action days, for instance at sports clubs.