Design Friends has announced its first screening of the year, that of Doug Wilson’s documentary Linotype, to take place on Friday 13 January 2017 at 18:30 at Rotondes (Place des Rotondes, L-2448 Luxembourg).
On 13 January 2017, the public will have the opportunity to watch Linotype, a documentary by Doug Wilson which portrays the history of the type machine of the same name as well as the development of printing techniques and their effects on the editing world.
The linotype machine was invented in 1996 by the German clockmaker Ottmar Mergenthaler and was named the 8th wonder of the world by Thomas Edison. Thanks to this machine, daily newspapers and books could be produced at a faster rate and at a lower cost than before.
Doug Wilson’s documentary deals with the story behind this machine and the evolution of technology in the 1950s. The film also presents first-hand accounts from former professionals in the editing world.
The famous documentary has been regularly screened in America and Europe since 2012.
The film screening at Rotondes will be in English and is free for members of Design Friends or €10 for non-members.
Registration can be made online at www.designfriends.lu