Credit: ALDI

On Friday 9 February 2024, ALDI Luxembourg announced that the Bascharage supermarket is closing its doors temporarily for a "complete renovation".

The ALDI supermarket located on Avenue du Luxembourg in Bascharage has temporarily closed its doors. ALDI is starting renovation work to expand its store and optimise its energy consumption. The supermarkets in Differdange and Esch-Belval remain open to the public.

ALDI has been present in Bascharage for over 30 years. However, as the brand explained, the store no longer meets current expectations. Renovations are thus necessary "to increase customer comfort" and "to make room for the growing range of fresh produce".

"With a surface area of [approximately] 1,200 m², the new store will be half the size compared to the current store which is 850 m². To make this possible, we will completely demolish the building and build a store on stilts," explained Yann Schloremberg, Senior Expansion Manager at ALDI. The car park will be on the ground floor with the supermarket on the first floor.

During the renovations, special attention will be paid to the sustainability of the building. A heat recovery system will be installed and cooling will be provided by a more sustainable CO₂ refrigeration system. Consequently, the store will no longer consume natural gas. ALDI is also planning to install a storm drain.

Upon its reopening (planned towards the end of the year), the new supermarket will be equipped according to ALDI's latest store layout. From then on, the range of fresh products will "occupy pride of place" and "create a true fresh market experience".

"By moving our offering of fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh meat and fresh fish immediately to the front of the store, we are making shopping easier for our customers," said Jérôme Gohmann, Sales Manager at ALDI. He added that fresh produce is "often at the top of the shopping list" for customers.

In order to make the renovation possible, the Bascharage supermarket is temporarily closing its doors; works already began this week. The opening of the new store is planned for the end of 2024.