From Wednesday 24 to Saturday 27 May 2023, the Belle Etoile shopping centre in Bertrange is hosting the microlux Entrepreneurs Market, which highlights ten entrepreneurs supported by the Luxembourg microfinance institution, microlux.
Over the four days, the exhibitors will organise several competitions, with prizes ranging from massages, image and posturology advice, clothing and fashion accessories, as well as fitness clothing, to delicatessen products and world music.
Each day between 10:00 and 19:00, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about and support the following businesses:
- Elodie Dja Créations: tailor-made fashion creations and ready-to-wear collections that enhance craftsmanship through the combination of traditional African fabrics and European textiles;
- EMG Coaching: personal stylist; image advice for more self-confidence;
- Fitness Warrior: fitness clothing brand;
- Kossobé: world musical instruments and handicrafts;
- L'Onde Alpha Massothérapie: massage therapy practice in Differdange which offers a range of well-being, relaxing, sports and lymphatic drainage massages.
- Mov'Art: a gym in Bertrange which combines personal training and posturology (postural correction, muscle strengthening, improved mobility, etc.);
- My Little Corner: a boutique offering women's clothing and accessories from French and European brands in Luxembourg - Center - Aperitif shopping;
- NO MA DE: a brand of bags and fashion accessories;
- Renaissance Corporelle: advice on mental and physical fitness through massages and meditation;
- Volio: a boutique offering Italian delicatessen products from local producers.