The touch rugby European Championships were held at Vichy in France from 8 - 12 August 2023; Luxembourg's men's over 30 touch rugby finished 5th overall.
With three wins, Luxembourg’s National Touch Rugby team achieved a creditable 5th place in the Men’s over 30s division behind England, France, Switzerland and Wales. Under the guidance of head coach Nicholas Matenga, the team made a huge leap in the playing platforms, processes and mindset required to be successful at this elite level.
To quote the M30 coach of winners England’s and World Cup 2024 gold medal contenders: “Versus our game at last years Euros, Luxembourg surprised us with their level of structure, forcing us to up our game in both defence and attack”.
Silver medallist, the French M30s commented, “Today there was a massive improvement in attach strategies and really robust defence from the joint training camp we had at Marcoussis in March."
With over 1,100 players, 100 match officials - of which Luxembourg was represented by Dany Fahy and Laurence Cortey - there were 252, 40-minute matches played within eight age divisions for men, women and mixed teams, played over four days. This is one of Europe’s largest mass-participation sporting events.
"To continue our journey to elite levels of performance, we will continue to focus on our juniors and women participation," said Touch Luxembourg Fédération President Nick Frank. "We have found Touch to be increasingly popular with kids and especially girls where this year RCL Lightening under 15 junior touch team had an all-girls interclub match: a first for Rugby in Luxembourg. Together with the Rugby Club de Luxembourg we initiated two very successful women’s days events, aimed at boosting girls' and women’s participation in rugby-based sports".
In Luxembourg, Touch Rugby is played from Social to Elite level by women, men and juniors in both single sex and mixed teams. For those want to know more, email: luxembourgtouch@gmail.com. Alternatively, see https://www.facebook.com/LuxembourgTouch/
Touch Luxembourg is the national body responsible for the sport of Touch in Luxembourg and is affiliated to the Federation of International Touch (FIT) and a member of the Luxembourg Field Sports Federation and COSL.
Touch Rugby originated in the 1960s as a non-contact form of Rugby league. It is a fast and dynamic six-a-side game rolling substitutions played on a 50x80m pitch. Because the game is not based on physical contact, but on speed, skill and strategy, it is played by both sexes, and very often in mixed teams. Regular training and game sessions are held on Tuesday evenings at Stade Boy Konen.