Rugby Club Luxembourg (RCL) has announced the start of their Social League touch rugby competition on Tuesday 2 May 2023.
This event will be a social tournament, with mixed teams of women and men playing a 30-minute game each week after work, followed by a chance to socialise at the RCL buvette. Players must be twelve years old or older, but they do not need any previous touch rugby experience. They will learn the game week by week, with support from the RCL touch rugby club members.
Touch Rugby originated in the 1960s as a non-contact form of Rugby league. It is a fast and dynamic six-a-side game, rolling substitutions and played on a 50x80 metre pitch. Because the game is not based on physical contact, but on speed, skill and strategy, it is often played by both sexes, mostly in mixed teams.
Mixed social touch rugby has six players per team of which three women (or Junior 12-15 years) must be on the pitch at any one time. There are unlimited substitutions.
If you are interested in registering a team or would like to play as an individual, please contact RCL Touch Rugby at