The Anglican Church of Luxembourg has announced details of its upcoming Advent and Christmas Services.
First up are two services on Sunday 15 December:
10:45 Children’s Nativity Service: with Junior Church and Youth Group; interactive, with many spare costumes for any child who would like to take part
18:00 Carols by Candlelight: an atmospheric Service of carols and readings followed by mince pies and gluhwein
On Tuesday 24 December, Christmas Eve:
16:00 Christingle Service: a wonderful, short (less than one hour) service for all the family with a mix of traditional and modern carols. Each child receives a Christingle. For further information on the origin and meaning of Christingles, see https://www.whychristmas.com/customs/christingles
23:00 Midnight Holy Communion
On Wednesday 25 December, Christmas Day:
10:45 Holy Communion for all ages
All services are being held at the Konvikt Chapel (5 Ave Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg city).
For further information, see https://anglican.lu/