Today, Friday 6 January 2023, marks the Christian feast day of Epiphany, or "Dräikinneksdag" (Three Kings Day) in Luxembourg.
On this day, people in Luxembourg traditionally eat a "Dräikinnekskuch" (Three Kings cake) with a little surprise baked into it - traditionally a bean but nowadays it often takes the form of a porcelain figurine. The cake is made with puff pastry and typically has an almond cream filling. The person who gets the slice with the surprise becomes king (or queen) for the day.
Similar customs exist around the world: in Spain, for example, the Feast of Epiphany is the main festive holiday, with the Three Wise Men bringing children presents on 6 January. In Spain, the Three Kings cake is called "Roscón de Reyes"; in France, it is called "Galette des Rois".
In Ireland (particularly in the south and west), 6 January also marks "Nollaig na mBan", or "Women’s Christmas" (also known as "Little Christmas"). Traditionally, this end-of-season celebration saw men and women swap roles in the household, allowing the latter a well-deserved break after their hard work during the Christmas period. Women would take the opportunity to socialise with their friends and neighbours and enjoy tea and cake together.
The Feast of Epiphany celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ. In Western Christianity, the eve of Epiphany is often celebrated as Twelfth Night, with many Christians waiting until then to take down their Christmas tree. Eastern Christian traditions following the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar celebrate Epiphany on 19 January.