On Friday 26 August 2022, St George’s International School confirmed that the long wait for exam results is finally over for students at St George’s in Luxembourg-Hamm.
Students achieved what they described as excellent results in IGCSE, A/S and A-Level exams, with all graduating students being offered places at their first-choice universities. The graduating students of 2022 have bright futures ahead having accepted places at universities in the UK, US and across Europe. These include six Russell Group universities – UCL (University College London), Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, Cardiff University, the University of Warwick and the University of Manchester – and other prestigious universities, such as the University of St Andrew’s and Trinity College Dublin.
A-Level results: St George’s students achieved a 100% pass rate. 40 of 128 entries achieved the highest grade possible, an A*. 63% of entries were graded A* or A and 95% of our students achieved a grade C or above.
A/S Level Results: 71% of entries were graded A or B, and 83% of examination papers achieved a grade C or above. 77 of the 146 students taking A/S Levels received the highest grade possible, an A (At A/S there is no A* grade available).
I/GCSE Results: A total of 405 I/GCSE entries were submitted in 20 subjects. 96% of students achieved grades A** to C, while 67% of all entries were graded A or above. 95% of students achieved at least 5 grades from A** to C. These students will now progress to Year 12 where they will study their chosen A/S level subjects.
St George’s Principal, Dr Christian Barkei, said the students at all three levels had worked exceptionally hard to achieve excellent results. “We are delighted by the outcome of the examinations for our students at IGCSE, A/S and A-level. This is a clear reflection of their own hard work and application to their studies, alongside the consistent support from their families and the school community and teaching staff,” he said.