The International School Luxembourg (ISL) is holding a free parent workshop on 19 November 2018 from 08:30 - 10:00 that will focus on Screen Time Tips and Strategies.
The event is open to all parents in Luxembourg and covers all age groups of children that use computers and smart devices. It is being led by ISL's Head of Media and Technology, John Mikton.
John Mikton is the Head of Education and Media Technology at the International School of Luxembourg. John is an Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Education Trainer, a trainer and summit speaker with Appsevents, and has 25 years of experience working in Education Technology in International Schools and 14 years as a Senior Leadership team member. John was Director of eLearning at the Inter Community School Zurich, Switzerland and Director of Information Technology at the International School of Prague, Czech Republic. John has worked in International Schools in Africa and Asia before working in Europe.
Attendance is free. To register to attend, see https://islscreentime.eventbrite.com