Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding, pictured with the new College of the Mayor and Aldermen of Strassen; Credit: © SIP / Emmanuel Claude

Another round of swearing-in ceremonies for Luxembourg's newly appointed mayors and aldermen/alderwomen, following the recent municipal (local) elections, took place on Tuesday 18 July 2023.

On Tuesday, Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding, swore in the colleges of mayors and aldermen/alderwomen of the municipalities of Clervaux, Fischbach, Kayl, Koerich, Parc Hosingen, Préizerdaul, Sandweiler, Schuttrange, Strassen and Vichten.

At 10:00, ten mayors and 21 aldermen/alderwomen took the new oath prescribed by Article 6 of the amended municipal law of 13 December 1988 in front of Minister Bofferding: "I swear to observe the Constitution and the laws and to fulfil my function with integrity, exactitude and impartiality."

Clervaux: Georges Keipes, mayor; Emile Eicher, alderman; Georges Glod, alderman.

Fischbach: Lucien Brosius, mayor; Daniel Moura, alderman; Laurent Schiltz, alderman.

Kayl: Jean Weiler, mayor; Marco Lux, alderman; José Gonçalves, alderman.

Koerich: Daniel Wirth, mayor; Norbert Welu, alderman; Mary-Jo Andrich, alderwoman.

Parc Hosingen: Romain Wester, mayor; Gilles Thilgen, alderman; Georges Majerus, alderman.

Préizerdaul: Marc Gergen, mayor; Marc Rehlinger, alderman; Fernand Muller, alderman.

Sandweiler: Jacqueline Breuer, mayor; Claude Mousel, alderman; Corine Courtois, alderwoman.

Schuttrange: Claude Marson, mayor; Serge Eicher, alderman; Andrew Kiser, alderman.

Strassen: Nicolas Pundel, mayor; Betty Welter-Gaul, alderwoman; Anne Arend-Lahaut, alderwoman; Maryse Bestgen-Martin, alderwoman.

Vichten: Luc Recken, mayor; Paul Maréchal, alderman; Christiane Pauly, alderwoman.