At a press conference on Friday afternoon, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and the Minister of Health Paulette Lenert announced the government's plans to ease COVID-19 restrictions in the Grand Duchy.

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel confirmed that all restrictions in the private sphere will be dropped. Events where the CovidCheck 2G+ (vaccinated or recovered plus a negative test) scheme currently applies will switch to the 3G (vaccinated, recovered or tested) scheme. To enter hospitals and nursing homes, visitors will be required to follow 3G rules as well as carrying out a rapid antigen test on site. 

The curfew (23:00) for the hospitality sector will also be lifted and gatherings of up to 2,000 people will be authorised again.

The Prime Minister added that the CovidCheck scheme will continue to apply in the workplace. This decision was made in agreement with the various trade unions. However, COVID-19 test centres for employees having received one vaccine dose will remain open after 28 February 2022 (when the current rules are set to expire). After this date, the aforementioned employees will receive a voucher each week for free testing. Companies where the CovidCheck system does not apply must maintain social distancing and the compulsory wearing of masks.

Instead of quarantine, unvaccinated individuals who have been in close contact with someone who tested positive will be required to test daily for a five-day period and wear a FFP2 mask around other people.

Both Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Health Minister Paulette Lenert emphasised the continued importance of vaccination in the fight against COVID-19. The Prime Minister noted that around 80% to 90% of patients in intensive care are not vaccinated. Minister Lenert added that the fact that the majority (72%) of the eligible population has been vaccinated has helped stabilise the situation.

The Chamber of Deputies (Parliament) is expected to vote on these new measures next week.