Credit: INAPS

On Tuesday 2 July 2024, the National Institute of Physical Activity and Sports (Institut National de l'Activité Physique et des Sports - INAPS) reported that the event "Gamechangers – fir e staarke Benevolat am Sport" (for strong volunteering in sports) took place at the Stade de Luxembourg in Luxembourg-Gasperich.

This event, organised with the support of the Luxembourg Ministry of Sport, marked the launch of the action plan for strengthening volunteering in sports.

As highlighted by Luxembourg’s Minister of Sports, Georges Mischo, during his speech, volunteering is an “essential pillar of our sports communities”. The development of the organisational capacities of sports clubs and federations is at the heart of the coalition agreement and the strengthening of volunteering is one of the priority development axes, INAPS stressed.

The action plan "Gamechangers – fir e staarke Benevolat am Sport" aims to strengthen volunteering and thus contribute to the development of the organisational capacities of sports clubs and federations.

At the launch event, 120 people participated in the workshops and attended the round table, INAPS reported. The interest in the topic was present, and “engaged and passionate” discussions underlined the important role of volunteering for the actors on the ground, INAPS emphasised.

The conclusions of the organised workshops will be analysed in detail to be integrated into the next steps of the action plan, the organisers noted.

During the round table, several speakers from the world of sport (Jerry Bucari, sports coordinator, municipality of Roeser; Chantal Gary, president, HB Museldall; Susanna Hölscher, Akademie für Ehrenamtlichkeit Deutschland; Serge Schaul, president, FLJudo; Frank Schleck, organiser Schleck Gran Fondo & coordinator FSCL) shared their experiences and discussed development avenues to strengthen volunteering in clubs and federations.

Promoting and supporting volunteering

INAPS added that its ambition is to promote and support those who engage in sport, whether they are professionals, paid or volunteers. While the professionalisation of sports structures remains a key objective, volunteering remains the cornerstone of success, essential to the proper functioning of sport and enriching Luxembourg’s society with diversity and solidarity.

First steps of the action plan

The Volunteer Cycle Model “Benevolatskreeslaf” presented at the launch, is a management cycle aiming to facilitate the recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers. This structured cycle helps to identify the needs of clubs or federations, as well as volunteers, and to respond to them appropriately.

INAPS aims to develop training programmes to help volunteers improve their skills and carry out their tasks effectively. Workshops, training and supervision aim to provide volunteers with the support they need to succeed.

The Volunteer Strengthening Manual is a comprehensive manual of good practices, resources and tools that will be developed to support volunteering in sports. This guide will be a resource for clubs and sports organisations.

INAPS also plans to set up advice offers to help clubs and sports organisations better organise and manage their volunteer structures. These tips aim to maximise their volunteers’ potential.