The Grand Ducal Police have reported three road accidents which took place on Friday 24 and early on Saturday 25 May 2024.

On Friday afternoon, around 16:00, a driver had an accident on the stretch of road between Bockholtz and Pintsch. The driver lost control of the vehicle and veered off the motorway, causing the car to come off the road. After receiving emergency first aid on-site, he was taken to hospital for further treatment.

Minutes later, at around 16:10, the police noted that another road accident was reported on the CR132 in Brouch. A car came off the motorway and collided with a tree at the side of the road. The driver, who sustained minor injuries, was attended to by the emergency services and then taken to hospital for a check-up.

Shortly before 03:00 on Saturday night, a further road accident was reported between Kreuzerbuch and Schweich. A driver lost control of his car, skidded and crashed off the road, causing the vehicle to catch fire shortly afterwards. The Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS) brought the fire under control but were unable to prevent the car from burning out completely, according to the police. Both passengers were able to get out of the car before it caught fire. The two were administered initial treatment by the emergency services on-site and the driver was taken to hospital for a check-up.

An accident report was drawn up in all three cases and the three drivers tested positive for alcohol.

Furthermore during the night of Friday to Saturday, two driver’s licences had to be confiscated due to positive alcohol tests, in Luxembourg-Ville and Bascharage.