On Wednesday 22 May 2024, the Grand Ducal Police published the results of a recent road safety campaign focused on distracted driving.

From 13 to 18 May 2024, the police carried out checks focused specifically on distracted driving, with the aim of raising awareness and reducing road accidents.

During this period, the police issued 288 fines (€250 and four points) linked to motorists using a mobile phone while driving.

During these checks, officers also checked vehicle documents and issued about 200 fines.

In 27 cases, motorists were unable to produce their driving licence.

In addition, eleven drivers were unable to present the registration certificate, 29 did not have valid insurance during the check and 48 were unable to present a tax sticker.

In 67 cases, drivers were unable to present a valid roadworthiness certificate.

The police noted that distracted driving is one of the main causes of road accidents. They recalled that the use of a mobile phone by the driver of a moving vehicle is regulated by article 170bis of the Highway Code. Road users who do not comply with these provisions risk receiving fines of €250 and losing four points.

Lighting cigarettes, handling on-board instruments or the navigation system and talking using a hands-free kit are also sources of distraction, noted the police, who provide information and safety advice on their website.

The police added that distraction does not only affect motorists; other road users, such as motorcyclists, cyclists or pedestrians may be affected.