Credit: Pexels

The Grand Ducal Police have been conducting traffic checks as part of the "Wanterzäit 2023" (winter time) road safety strategy, which was launched on 16 October 2023.

These checks primarily focused on vehicle lighting, tyres and overall technical condition. The campaign began in mid-October and will run until the end of December.

During the initial preventive phase, scheduled to continue until 19 November 2023, defect reports will be issued for minor issues related to vehicle lighting. Vehicle owners have five days to rectify these minor defects. Since the campaign's inception, 115 such defect reports have been issued.

In 61 instances, fine warnings were issued due to severe technical defects. Twenty-four cases involved tyre defects, fourteen cases had more significant problems with vehicle lighting and in eleven cases, the police noted that drivers had limited visibility.

Additionally, the license plates of six vehicles were either illegible, improperly attached, or did not meet the required standards. In six other cases, the police identified defects related to the general technical condition of the vehicles.