Luxembourg's Ministry of Health and Social Security, in collaboration with the Luxembourg Diabetes Association (ALD), has launched an awareness campaign on the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2024, observed yearly on 14 November.
Initiated by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the day aims to raise awareness of the risks of this chronic disease and inform the public about possible prevention strategies.
In Luxembourg over 37,000 people are living with diagnosed diabetes, with one in three people unaware that they have the condition. Each year, more than 900 patients are newly diagnosed, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Security. Studies also reveal that 36% of people living with diabetes experience distress related to their condition, 63% worry about potential complications and 28% struggle to maintain confidence in managing their disease. This highlights the need for care that goes beyond just managing the condition and considers the mental and emotional well-being of patients.
The IDF has chosen the theme "Diabetes and Well-being" for World Diabetes Days 2024-2026 to highlight the importance of a holistic approach to diabetes care. The goal is not only to focus on the treatment and management of diabetes but also to support patients in living a fulfilling life by ensuring access to appropriate care while prioritising their overall well-being.
Various awareness-raising actions will take place from Saturday 9 to Saturday 16 November 2024, at the initiative of the Luxembourg Pharmacists' Union (Syndicat des Pharmaciens Luxembourgeois - SPL) and the Luxembourg Diabetes Association (Association Luxembourgeoise du Diabète - ALD), in partnership with Luxembourg hospitals, the Domaine Thermal de Mondorf and the Luxembourg Diabetology Society (Société Luxembourgeoise de Diabétologie - SLD).
Awareness-raising actions planned for World Diabetes Day
For the second year, community pharmacies, represented by SPL, are participating in World Diabetes Day. Following the success of last year’s campaign with 40 pharmacies, 65 pharmacies will take part this year in raising awareness and offering diabetes risk tests. In 2023, over 1,300 people were informed about diabetes risks and prevention through this initiative.
Additionally, a solidarity march "10,000 steps against diabetes" will take place on Sunday 10 November in Hesperange, starting at 08:00, organised by the ALD.
On Wednesday 13 November, a thematic day will be held at Domaine Thermal de Mondorf, in partnership with the ALD, featuring conferences and information stands from 09:00 to 14:00.
The ALD, in collaboration with the Luxembourg Society of Diabetology (SLD), will also host an evening conference on "Diabetes and Well-being" on Thursday 14 November, at the Parc Belle-Vue Hotel in Luxembourg City, starting at 18:00.
Hospitals across the country, including the Centre hospitalier du Luxembourg (CHL), Centre hospitalier du Nord (CHdN), Centre hospitalier Emile Mayrisch (CHEM), and the Robert Schumann Hospitals (HRS), will offer information sessions and risk tests on World Diabetes Day, 14 November.
“Prevention is better than cure, which is why it is crucial to detect a possible tendency to develop type II diabetes before it is too late. Because studies show that there are risk factors that have a significant influence on the development of the condition. This is why early detection and adapting our lifestyle are crucial to prevent the condition from getting worse. Many thanks to the SPL and the pharmacists who joined the action as well as to the ALD which since its creation supports not only patients with type II diabetes, but any patient suffering from diabetes, and this in a holistic approach by offering them, alongside their expertise in the disease, the moral and social support necessary to allow them to continue to live serenely and with the necessary confidence in the years to come," said Martine Deprez, Luxembourg’s Minister of Health and Social Security.
"We are leading partners in the fight against chronic diseases and in the transmission of information essential to public health," added Alain de Bourcy, President of the Luxembourg Pharmacists' Union.
"We are delighted with the theme of World Diabetes Day. We know that well-being is an essential factor in the management of diabetes and for overall health. This is why we are actively engaged in the destigmatisation of diabetes and place well-being at the heart of our actions, whether through our education programmes or our activities. We are also proud to be able to count on strong partners who share this vision and support us in our mission," explained Jessica Durbach, Director of the Maison du Diabetes (ALD).