On the evening of Tuesday 30 April 2024, the multidisciplinary Centre "Mère-Enfant" celebrated its official inauguration in Fousbann, Differdange.
Valérie Collignon, herself a paediatrician, and her two sisters opened this centre in September 2023. "We had a little inheritance and wanted to do something worthwhile with it," she explained to Chronicle.lu. They decided to open a centre, especially for mothers and children, as this was a cause "close to their heart".
After the healthcare professionals present briefly introduced themselves and their activities, the centre's guests took part in a reception with various local and international dishes (including savoury Indian fritters and Chai tea.)
The centre has been operating since September 2023. Its team currently counts thirteen professionals offering physiotherapy, psychomotor therapy, speech therapy, dietetics, midwifery care, psychotherapy and psychological care, among other services for families, children and women of all ages. The services offered are diverse and include pre-and post-natal care, a psychomotor therapist specialised in autism spectrum disorders, a psychologist-psychotherapist specialised in art and dance therapy and a trauma-informed psychotherapist focused on family therapy.
The team is multicultural and able to offer its services in multiple languages, among which French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Luxembourgish.
More information on the centre and its team is available at the website cme.lu.