(L-R): Steven Miller, Helon O'Mahony, Ievgenii Karanov, Geoff Thompson, Jazmin Campbell, Ali Sahib; Credit: Ali Sahib, Chronicle.lu

The online newspaper Chronicle.lu, launched in 2012 by its founder, Geoff Thompson, is investing in the future by the expansion of its editorial team with the appointment of three new staff members.

The company that publishes Chronicle.lu, G-Media Sarl, is focussed on the future, mapping out a series of steps that will allow it to both produce more journalistic content as well as covering more stories that are happening in, around and about Luxembourg, and also being more visible on social media.

Readers have already noticed more (original) photographs as well as expanded sports coverage; this increase will continue to evolve with the new team members onboarded not only in terms of administrative processes but also regarding the publication's editorial guidelines and working together in an expanded team.

With Geoff continuing to lead as Editor, the team of journalists now comprises Jazmin Campbell, Helen O'Mahony, Steven Miller and Ievgenii Karanov, with Ali Sahib as photographer: the make up of the team represents many attributes of the multicultural and multilingual society that makes up Luxembourg.

As well as publishing news, etc., six days/week, eNewsletters are disseminated each of these days, with the other main reference source being the comprehensive Event Calendar.

This continues to be a busy time for Chronicle.lu: in 2022 it celebrated its 10th anniversary with a Case Study presentation to the American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (AMCHAM) for the business community and a special film screening for the social community, in collaboration with the British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg; and in 2023 it launched its Community Directory which is available both online and in print; its second (print) edition was published last November and was launched at the International Bazaar at LuxExpo, Luxembourg's largest community event.