Credit: Statec

Luxembourgish remains the most spoken language at home in the Grand Duchy, whilst French is the dominant language used in the workplace.

Statec published this information in a recent report, based on a survey of some 6,000 residents on language-use. Indeed, the survey results confirmed the multilingual character of Luxembourg, with three-quarters of respondents working in a multilingual setting.

In the workplace, French came out as the most used language (78%), followed by English (51%) and then Luxembourgish (48%). On the other hand, residents with the Luxembourgish nationality were more likely to speak Luxembourgish and/or German on a daily basis at work. Moreover, Luxembourgish remained the most used language at home (53%), ahead of French (32%) and Portuguese (19%).

In contrast to mostly multilingual working environments, the survey found that most households were monolingual: only three out of ten respondents said they lived in a multilingual household.

Finally, Luxembourgish also remained the strongest language for residents with the nationality (76%), whilst, for non-Luxembourgish nationals, French dominated (31%).