The Junior Chamber International (JCI) Luxembourg branch is organising their next monthly meeting on Wednesday 4 June 2018 from 19:00 on the topic of Refugees in Luxembourg, at Damas restaurant (46 Rue Ste. Zithe, L.2736 Luxembourg).

The evening's guest speaker will be Marc Piron from ASTI (Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés); his talk will be followed by a dinner at Damas, a Syrian restaurant, opened by Mohamed, who arrived in Luxembourg five years ago as refugee.

- 19:00 Arrival of members and guests
- 19:20 Presentation from Marc Piron (ASTI), on the situation of refugees and organisation in Luxembourg, followed by a Q&A
- 19:50 Welcome of Mohamed, Syrian, owner of Damas restaurant
- 20:00 Dinner (Syrian buffet) with Marc Piron, Magí (the JCI EU Vice President) and JCI members and guests

About ASTI

Among the missions of ASTI is the support refugees all along their integration path. Within the project «Ma’an! Zesummen! », ASTI organises literacy courses for people who cannot read or write, classes to study the Latin alphabet for people who can read and write another alphabet, as well as intensive French language courses ensured by volunteers. Refugees who attend B1 level classes in French language can then take part in the «Connection» project which prepares them for employability and includes 14 information sessions on Luxembourg, 6 work preparation workshops and a non-paid internship of 240 hours during up to 6 months.
ASTI is about migrants and undocumented people … At the «Guichet INFO – MIGRANTS», ASTI specialists of Immigration and International Protection Law answer questions about residence and work permits as well as regarding the asylum procedure. In this way, ASTI offers a free support for the people who have obtained political status and intend to request a family reunification. Thanks to volunteers, ASTI offers a public writer service to help people write letters, fill out forms and manage the administrative procedures better. Volunteers also train integration coaches to accompany political refugees in their process of integration.