At its last meeting, the Board of Directors of microlux, a microcredit institution serving microentrepreneurs in Luxembourg, appointed Anne Contreras-Muller as its new President.
Anne Contreras-Muller, Of Counsel at Arendt & Medernach, succeeds Rémy Jacob, the first President of microlux and former Managing Director at the European Investment Bank (EIB), who has decided to leave the role after five years. During his presidency, microlux supported more than 150 entrepreneurs and created 180 jobs. The past five years saw microlux find its place in the Luxembourg ecosystem and receive recognition for its social impact. Mr Jacob also helped microlux face the COVID-19 health crisis by strengthening support for microentrepreneurs.
The Board of Directors as well as the microlux teams thanked Rémy Jacob for his commitment, contributions and kindness over the past years.
As Of Counsel at Arendt & Medernach, Anne Contreras-Muller heads a team dedicated exclusively to inclusive and impact finance. She advises selected local and international players on the structuring, distribution and day-to-day activity of microfinance investment funds and social and / or environmental impact funds. These activities also cover a social entrepreneurship component and a philanthropic component, in particular the establishment of technical assistance programmes.
As a Member of the Luxembourg Bar involved in several local and international initiatives around impact finance, such as European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP), European Impact Investing Luxembourg (EIIL), European Social Enterprise Law Association (ESELA) and InFiNe (Inclusive Finance Nework), the expertise and experiences of Anne Contreras are expected to help microlux to carry out its social enterprise missions, balancing the quest for financial autonomy and the objective of social impact.