Scottish band The Hidden Orchestra will be performing at neimënster in Luxembourg-Grund on Friday 13 March 2020, as part of the cultural centre's new "Jazz Fusion" concert series.
The Jazz Fusion series aims to push the boundaries of sound and mix genres, much like The Hidden Orchestra which offers an ethereal and narrative soundtrack.
Joe Acheson is the Scottish composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist behind The Hidden Orchestra. As well as two albums to his name, "Night Flight" and "Archipelago", Joe Acheson has produced many mixtapes which are considered among the best in the genre. Supported by his partner Poppy Ackroyd and drummers Tim Lane and Jamie Graham, he created The Hidden Orchestra project.
The project beats to the rhythm of another time, mixing melodic loops, trip hop and avant-garde sound layers which evoke the fog of the Scottish countryside. Whilst their music remains true to jazz, the quartet do not hesitate to think outside the box and venture into trip hop, electro or classical music.
The day before their concert in neimënster, The Hidden Orchestra will perform at the Festival Transfo, the alpine festival that questions the digital and the challenges of sustainable development.
The Hidden Orchestra will be performing on Friday 13 March 2020 at 20:00 in Salle Robert Krieps in neimënster. Tickets cost €22, €9 (reduced) or €1.50 with the Kulturpass. For more information and ticketing, contact neimënster via tel.: 262-052444 or via email: billetterie@neimenster.lu