The Grand Ducal Police have announced an upcoming recruitment information session, taking place at the Police School (École de Police) in Findel on Saturday 15 June 2024 from 14:00 to 17:00.
This information session is organised in view of the next wave of police recruitment and to raise awareness about the police profession and the recruitment procedure.
On the occasion of this "Infodag Rekrutement", candidates interested in a career within the Grand Ducal Police will have the opportunity to find out about the criteria, procedures and stages of recruitment and training at the Police School and to receive an overview of different possible specialisations.
Apart from informative presentations, police officers from different units and services will inform participants at thematic stands about their respective profession, for example police officer working at a police station, for the judicial police service or within the airport police unit, motorcyclist within the various highway police units or dog handler with the canine group service. Members of the recruitment team and current police trainee civil servants will also be available to answer visitors' questions.
In addition, the sports (physical fitness) test route - an obligatory stage of recruitment - will be set up for this event. Anyone wishing to familiarise themselves with this test will have the opportunity to try it out on-site.
As the number of places is limited, interested parties are asked to register by 12 June 2024 via email: events@police.etat.lu, indicating their full name as well as the full name of any accompanying person(s). Visitors will be required to present an identity document at reception.
The police advised those wishing to test the sporting event to bring clean sports shoes. Changing rooms will be available.