On Sunday 4 December, the Luxembourg Brownies, Guides and Rainbows gathered once again for their annual Christmas Fair at the cosy Nicolas Rollinger Celtic Hut in Neihaischen, located between Luxembourg Airport and Munsbach.
Despite the cold weather, the sun shone outside and the event enjoyed a good turnout. In all, there were some 36 Brownies, 12 Rainbows, 26 Guides and 2 Rangers along with families attending the fair, with people turning up to socialise, enjoy the barbecue and the traditional spiced drinks, and warm up around the nice, cosy campfire in the middle of the hut, in a friendly ambience. Besides the food and drinks stalls for the visitors, there was also musical entertainment as the Girl Guides gathered around the bonfire to sing some all-time favourite Christmas songs.
The Celtic Hut is a unique venue - an original Roundhouse built on the traditional design. The Luxembourg Scout Team works very hard to keep and preserve the hut, and without their continued support, this event would not be possible year after year.
As the proceeds of each year’s Fair goes to a chosen charity, the Girl Guides - ranging from 5 to 18 years - had spent the last few weeks creating unique arts and crafts to be sold on the venue. This year’s proceeds will go to Expat Luxembourg, Against Sexual Trafficking of Children.