FEDIL, a multisectoral business federation in Luxembourg, has announced the launch of the 2023 edition of its Environment Prize (Prix de l’Environnement).
FEDIL awarded its first Environment Prize in 1988. The Environment Prize is awarded annually alternately with FEDIL's Innovation Prize (Prix de l’Innovation). It rewards companies whose technical and financial efforts aim to reconcile productivity and the preservation of natural resources, sustainable development and energy efficiency.
The Environment Prize can be awarded in the following three categories: "Clean Technologies", i.e. innovative processes that reduce the impact of business activity on the environment; "Green products", which take into account the protection of the environment at the different stages of their life cycle; "Environmental Management", rewarding innovative action to improve environmental management.
The winners will also be able to participate in the European competition.
The rules and application forms are available (in French) on FEDIL's website: https://fedil.lu/fr/publications/prix-de-lenvironnement-2023/. The deadline to submit an application is 14 July 2023. The jury, made up of experts from the public and private sectors, will announce the winners of this eighteenth edition in autumn 2023.