Today, on the occasion of King's Day, the Netherlands Embassy in Luxembourg has recorded a short film, featuring a message from Dutch Ambassador Cees Bansema.
King's Day is a national holiday celebrated on 27 April in the Netherlands to mark the birth of King Willem-Alexander.
Traditionally, the Netherlands Embassy in Luxembourg welcomes the Dutch community, Luxembourgers and fellow diplomats for an in-person King's Day reception. However, this was not possible this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Instead, the Embassy has recorded the following video in which Ambassador Cees Bansema addresses the public from his residence. Dutch singer Edith van den Heuvel and guitar player Paulo Simoes perform the Dutch national anthem “Het Wilhelmus”, whilst the Garnisounsmusek Dikrech plays the Luxembourgish national anthem "Ons Heemescht".