The American Drama Group Europe has announced that TNT theatre Britain and ADG Europe will put on an open-air, English-language theatrical production of Shakespeare's Much ado About Nothing on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 June 2025 at the Château de Koerich (Rue du Château, Koerich).
- Fri 13 June @ 19:30
- Sat 14 June @ 19:30
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING – Shakespeare’s title is as witty and profound as the play it describes. Who is not at their most foolish when in love and at the same time suffers most pain? This sparkling comedy seems light as a feather until it plunges to earth and reveals the darker side of passion – treachery, jealousy and death itself overwhelm frivolity and tragedy threatens. Then Shakespeare changes gear and brings in the clowns – a magnificent gang of incompetent policemen save the day - and, with the aid of deception – love triumphs. This is probably Shakespeare’s finest comic plot and introduces two of his finest lovers: Benedict and Beatrice – each masters of wit who discover the limits of that wit. Here is Shakespeare’s genius – the play itself explores the boundaries of comedy while its two chief characters discover a depth of feeling beyond the dry humour with which they protect their hearts. Cupid triumphs with an arrow not a smile. Around the two famous lovers gather a lively crew of doting fathers, evil brothers, match-making noblemen, passionate girls and lascivious youths – not to mention bumbling policemen worthy of the Keystone cops and an evil villain who lies in order to destroy. A whirlwind of love turns into a whirlpool of violence and death. But all is redeemed and love triumphs. Was the story truly on of much ado about very little or is it revealed as a profound mirror of the most intense human experience: the giving of one to another?
These performances are part of their Castle Tour 2025.
Tickets from €15 available from https://www.adg-europe.com/events/month/
For further information, see https://www.adg-europe.com or email: info@adg-europe.com