The Kinneksbond cultural centre in Mamer (42 Route d'Arlon) is putting on three performances of the English-language drama, "The Censor", on Saturday 20, Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 May 2023, with curtains up at 20:00.
Directed by Anthony Neilson / Anne Simon.
A female pornographer comes face to face with a censor – the man whose job is to determine whether her work can see the light of day. She needs to convince him to see beyond the graphic images if it is ever going to stand a chance of being released. But the war she is fighting is about far more than just a film. She dreams of a day when films like hers can be shown in every multiplex in the land, to every man, woman and child. When that day comes, there will be no more repression, no more witch-hunts.
In Simon's interpretation, the porn film, and the censoring thereof, stand in for the mechanisms at work to silence women – or any other minority. "The Censor" becomes a parable for those century-old systems and narratives that maintain the Western patriarchal power structures in place. Rather than trying to reproduce the controversy the play sparked when first staged in 1997 over the now possibly less shocking explicitness of some scenes, Simon explores gender roles themselves and confronts the audience with how far their own gender biases and tropes influence the reading of a situation.
Suitable for audiences aged 16+.
Tickets cost €22.50 (students: €8).
Reservations: https://www.luxembourg-ticket.lu/en/8/eid,53425/the-censor.html, by email: info@luxembourgticket.lu or tel.: 470895-1.