The Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg have announced seven additional performances of their upcoming English-language creation "The Hothouse".
Directed by Anne Simon, this adaptation of Harold Pinter's tragicomedy "The Hothouse" will premiere at the Grand Théâtre on Wednesday 24 March 2021 at 20:00. This will be followed by performances on 25, 26, 30 and 31 March and 1 and 2 April 2021 at 20:00. Due to high demand, additional performances are scheduled for 6, 7, 9 and and 10 April at 20:00, 7 and 10 April at 15:00 and 11 April at 17:00.
The Hothouse is a play about unchecked (state)-power and the decisions leaders make – spurious decisions that are potentially dangerous in the name for the preservation of a society.
A penitentiary in an authoritarian state run by a former military Colonel. Bureaucracy and corruption rule and the inmates are reduced to numbers. When one Christmas day, the cantankerous Colonel is confronted by a double crisis with the death of one inmate and the pregnancy of another, he finds himself increasingly cornered and sees the system he obeys so respectfully slip away. The Hothouse is a blackly comic portrait of the insidious corruption of power and demonstrates how far people will go to keep a system alive that is long condemned to fail. After all it’s the only one they have.
The international ensemble around director Anne Simon immerses the audience in a dark, absurdist microcosm that its inhabitants desperately try to keep in existence because it is their sole raison d’être. Anouk Schiltz’ 360°set, reminiscent of a panopticon prison, plunges the spectator right at the heart of this dangerous game of appearances and slipping realities. After all, what else is a hothouse than microcosm of a society under magnifying glass under which everything develops at an accelerated speed?
The play lasts around two hours (no intermission) and each performance will be preceded by an introduction (in English) by Janine Goedert.
Tickets cost €20 for adults and €8 for young peopleKulturpass welcome
For further information and to reserve seats, visit theatres.lu/SAISON+2020-2021/Th%C3%A9%C3%A2tre_Th%C3%A9%C3%A2tre+musical/THE+HOTHOUSE.html.