Over a 10-month period, 17 year-old Loris Wilwert, a student from Gonderange, has developed a new mobile app called Snack Track which shows food truck and takeaways in Luxembourg.

Snack Track - within a few clicks one can find every food truck or takeaway in their vicinity and far beyond.

The app is available on the App Store as well as on the Google Play Store; it is free-to-use for both for the owner of food trucks and takeaways, and for the public.
The principle of food trucks and takeaways is a trend that has grown more and more over the past few years. In order to maintain an overview of the places to eat, Loris took the initiative to create Snack Track.

The functionality of the app is user-friendly designed. Discreet, but easily identifiable pins mark the position of the food trucks and the takeaways. By tapping at one of the pins, the user can see the most useful information in a small overall view.

When the user visits the profile of a food truck or a takeaway, they are presented with a multiplicity of information: the current and the following positions with navigation function, the menu card with possibly-available special offers, as well as series of additional information.

Furthermore, the user can, with a simple login to Facebook, exchange his/her snack experiences at any time and from anywhere with other users thanks to the real-time comment function.

Whether events or special offers, Snack Track keeps users up-to-date to enable them to receive the best possible snack experience. Furthermore, Snack Track informs users about newly-added food trucks and takeaways or about particular recommendations.

African, Asian, American or rather something else? By means of a sophisticated search function, users can either look for concrete names or find out their personal flavour within the 18 food categories – from vegetarian to French to Italian.

Snack Track is available in four different languages: Luxemburgish, English, German and French.

The owners of a food truck or a takeaway can register on the website www.snack-track.com and by means of their personal dashboard they can manage and update their data in real time.

For further information, see www.snack-track.com

App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/snack-track/id1326863276?l=de&mt=8

Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lowisoft.snacktrack

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SnackTrackApp/