Vëlosummer 2024 routes: 67 municipalities, 13 circuits, more than 500 km; Credit: Luxembourg Government

On Wednesday 16 October 2024, Luxembourg's Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Yuriko Backes, and the Minister Delegate for Tourism, Eric Thill, took stock of this year's "Vëlosummer" cycling initiative.

Organised by the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, in close collaboration with the municipalities concerned, the regional tourist offices and the National Roads Administration, the fifth edition of Vëlosummer took place in Luxembourg from 27 July to 25 August 2024. This year, about 31,300 cycling tourists were counted on the thirteen marked routes which crossed 67 municipalities (including two in France) over a length of more than 500 kilometres. Participation thus increased by 30% compared to 2023 (24,000 participants). Several tours proved particularly popular during Vëlosummer 2024, such as the "VëloViaNorden" circuit (+55% participants compared to 2023) and the "Family Tour am Süden" circuit (+34%).

"The Vëlosummer is now an integral part of summer activities in Luxembourg", stated Minister Backes. "The idea behind this interministerial collaboration is to allow the public to explore the different facets of the country and discover the many benefits of cycling: regular use of the bicycle is not only good for [one's] health, but also contributes to reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality."

Minister Delegate Thill, said: "Vëlosummer 2024 confirms the growing appeal of cycling tourism in Luxembourg. For several years, this initiative has offered a unique opportunity to discover the richness and diversity of the country's natural and cultural heritage while promoting a sustainable mode of transport that is accessible to all. Cycling tourism has become a real asset for our tourism offer, in line with our ambitions for sustainable development and responsible tourism."

For the 2024 edition, a "Vëlosummer Challenge" was organised for the first time to encourage participants to complete all thirteen circuits. More than 60 people achieved this feat and will be awarded a personalised yellow jersey for their efforts.

A sixth edition of Vëlosummer will take place from 19 July to 17 August 2025. To allow for detailed planning for this new edition, a call for applications will soon be launched, giving groups of neighbouring municipalities, in consultation with the nature parks and regional tourist offices, the opportunity to propose cycle routes highlighting the tourist attractions of their region. Applications should be sent via email to velosummer@eco.etat.lu, by 13 December 2024 at the latest.

The respective ministries noted that these cycle routes must be intermunicipal, meet road safety standards and be suitable for all ages and all types of bicycles. Nevertheless, if a particularly attractive route from a cycling tourism point of view cannot be achieved otherwise, the Roads Administration will analyse whether a section of state road outside the locality can be reserved temporarily for cyclists and residents within the framework of Vëlosummer 2025.