Credit: © European Union / iStock

On Wednesday 5 March 2025, Luxembourg’s Ministry of Culture announced the launch of a new support programme, designed to assist in the preparation of applications for the Creative Europe calls for projects.

According to a press release, the Ministry of Culture plans to encourage cultural actors, established in Luxembourg, to create and submit projects within the framework of the Creative Europe programme. The ministry has proposed to support the preparation of project(s) relating to the application of the criteria required by the European Commission. By contributing to the costs related to the preparation of the co-financing application file, the ministry added that it wishes to facilitate exchanges between existing or potential project partners. This is to facilitate both existing relationships and to establish new contacts, for the benefit of solid and sustainable cooperation and projects. The ministry also stated that it encourages the development of skills and the strengthening of the capacities of the Luxembourg cultural sector through Creative Europe projects.

The press release explained that Creative Europe is the European Union’s main financial support programme for the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors. Through co-financing of projects, its aim is to promote European cultural and linguistic diversity, to strengthen the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative sectors internationally, and to encourage innovation and the diversification of audiences. As a result, the European Commission regularly publishes calls for projects, each targeting specific sectors and themes, before selecting the projects that will benefit from co-financing.

The assistance for the preparation of an application is aimed at any cultural entity, located in Luxembourg and pending the preparation of a co-financing application file or having recently submitted such an application, as a project leader or project partner.

The closing date for receipt of applications for assistance is Friday 13 June 2025.

For further information, including eligibility criteria and conditions for the allocation of aid, see: