On Friday morning, the Luxembourg Cabinet approved the extension of the period of additional aid put in place for independent professional artists and casual entertainment workers in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis until 31 August 2020.

Although cultural projects can now take place subject to health measures, the recovery in the cultural sector, as elsewhere in the economic sector, can only be gradual. Furthermore, some projects, such as international co-productions or artistic events abroad that were planned after 30 June 2020, have already been cancelled.

Consequently, the damaging impact of the health crisis goes beyond the period initially set by regulation (and beyond the state of emergency), which is why the government found it important to extend the specific regime put in place for independent professional artists and casual workers in the entertainment industry. This scheme allows access to wider social assistance benefits by lowering, in particular, the condition relating to the minimum number of days worked for casual entertainment workers respectively to the minimum income generated by an artistic activity during the months affected by the health crisis.

Further details of this additional aid are available on https://guichet.public.lu/en/citoyens/loisirs-benevolat/culture-tourisme/statut-artiste/mesures-covid19.html.