Bernard Moreau, CEO of Labgroup; Credit: Labgroup

Labgroup, a Luxembourg-based information management and archiving services provider, has joined the country's leading network for corporate social responsibility (CSR): IMS (Inspiring More Sustainability) Luxembourg.

The mission of IMS Luxembourg is to support its member companies so that they develop or improve their practices from a social, environmental or economic point of view. By becoming a member of IMS, Labgroup wished to benefit from expertise on CSR good practices, to exchange with the network of CSR actors in Luxembourg and to provide training and social programmes organised by IMS to its staff.

The decision to join IMS forms part of Lab Luxembourg SA's attempts to take responsibility for its decisions and activities which have a social and environmental impact. Labgroup's CSR policy, implemented for more than ten years already, aims to integrate  the principles of sustainable development (social, environmental and economic) in the culture of the company and its daily management,

Over the years, Labgroup has implemented various CSR actions such as ISO 14001 certification relating to an environmental management system that the company obtained in 2019. The preparation of the certification audit was an opportunity to structure and bring coherence to all the actions implemented by the company to make it more environmentally friendly, particularly with the proactive management of waste.

Labgroup has also contributed to the reduction of the carbon footprint; the full offsetting for the CO2 production of the Labgroup vehicle fleet has been achieved through the actions of the Luxembourg organisation MyClimateLux a.s.b.l. for the past decade.

In addition, the new building, the Digital Transition Hub, currently under construction in Grass, is expected to become the benchmark for innovative solutions for secondary storage and digitisation of paper documents. Respect for the environment has been a guideline for the design and layout of the building. 

Labgroup has also supported various local associations in past years, as well as promoting fair trade products; the company offers its customers "Fairtrade"-labelled chocolate and offers "Fairtrade" products to all employees.

The company has expressed enthusiasm at being a part of the IMS group of members and being able to contribute to research into sustainable alternatives.