On Tuesday 25 March 2025, an event titled “Family at Heart: Allyship and Rainbow Families in the Workplace” took place at the PwC premises in Luxembourg-Gasperich.
The event was organised by Walk the Talk, a group of organisations under the umbrella of IMS Luxembourg, in partnership with Rosa Lëtzebuerg, Aztec, HSBC, PwC and State Street. The purpose of the evening’s event, attended by over 100 people, was to address the workplace challenges faced by rainbow families, as well as to highlight measures that could be implemented to encourage positive inclusion.
Alexia Merel, Project Manager for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at IMS Luxembourg, welcomed the attendees before giving an overview of Walk the Talk. He spoke of the diversity of rainbow families, usually defined as same sex couples, with or without children. He highlighted how workplaces do not always recognise or cater for rainbow families; many company policies are based on the traditional family model which can result in discrimination and lack of support for those not fitting this model. A lack of legal recognition can lead to discrimination. He recommended the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, which offers tools and practical guidance to create a more inclusive environment.
Nicolas Van Elsué then gave an overview of Rosa Lëtzebuerg, established in 1996. He outlined the three main pillars of the national LGBTIQ+ rights organisation’s mission, namely political, social and raising awareness. The organisation currently has a list of 37 demands it is working on at a political level, which include cohabitation, CNS coverage of costs associated with assisted reproductive therapies and altruistic surrogacy. He acknowledged that Luxembourg was progressive in this area, but difficulties still exist.
Marc Angel, Quaestor at the European Parliament, co-chair of the Parliament’s Intergroup on LGBTQIA+ rights and UNAIDS Champion, joined the event online from Brussels. He opened his keynote speech by outlining how exhausting it can be to hide who one is for eight hours a day in the workplace and of how this leads to decreased productivity. He thanked the organisers for not shying away from the issue, especially in these changing times. Progress has been made but there is a worrying backlash. He explained how he has worked for the past five years in the European Parliament to improve the union of equality and promote anti-discrimination policies, so that democracy, which is currently at stake in some member states, can be protected. The EU must stick to its values. 110 MEPs, from five different political groups work together on LGBTIQ+ issues, to promote better legislation in Europe.
Mr Angel spoke of laws passed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) but that are not always enforced and stressed the importance of EU Member States recognising these laws. He outlined various cases that highlight the lack of support for rainbow families within the EU, including a proposal for a European parenthood certificate that has been blocked by some member states. He mentioned Hungary banning Pride celebrations this year. In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has stripped parental rights from the non-biological lesbian parent. He stressed that this is a children’s rights issue - children have the right to live in a family and be surrounded by people who care for them. He also spoke of the rise of the far-right and of US President Donald Trump erasing diversity, equality and inclusion policies- a decision that comes at no cost to the government, is easily enforced and caters to the far-right movement and the votes they control.
Moreover, Marc Angel emphasised that there should be no LGBTQIA+ agenda or ideology, there should only be a human right ideology. Being transphobic or homophobic is a choice, being gay, lesbian or trans is not. He spoke of the need for gender inclusive rather than gender neutral language, before adding that gender inequality in the workplace costs €390 billion per year which is the equivalent of 2.3% of Europe’s GDP. He concluded his keynote speech by emphasising that the fight against discrimination is extremely important and should remain very high on the European agenda.
A panel discussion, moderated by Candida Nedog, Corporate Relations Manager at Aztec Group, titled: “Allyship and Rainbow Families in the Workplace”, followed. The panellists were: Loic Choquet, Head of Jurisdiction for Luxembourg at Aztec Group; Catherine Dimmock, English teacher at the European School of Luxembourg II in Mamer and LGBTQIA+ student group supervisor; Catherine Guilleaume, Compliance Risk Testing Manager at State Street Bank International.
Loic Choquet and Catherine Guilleaume shared their personal “coming out” in the workplace stories. They both spoke of the difficulties of hiding who they were, of their career progression concerns, as well as the effort and energy required to conceal their true selves. They agreed that their self-confidence and performance rates soared once they overcame this fear. It is estimated that the anxiety of hiding one’s true identify can cost up to twelve years of one’s life.
The discussion addressed and acknowledged the significant role and support of colleagues and management, with Loic Choquet adding that in his senior role he ensures that the choice to tell or not to tell is respected within the company.
Raising rainbow families was also discussed with both panellists agreeing that administration procedures have improved considerably in recent years. Education and explanation are critical to ensure that workplace policies are effective and understood. Workplace policies exist to protect against negative behaviour, but it is through education that this negative behaviour is prevented from occurring in the first place. Education triggers conversations and awareness. The panellists agreed that bias is learned and that the attitudes of society can be changed starting with young children.
Candida Nedog shared with Catherine Dimmock that 68% of LGBTQIA+ people in Luxembourg experienced harassment and bullying in schools. Ms Dimmock outlined the efforts made in her school to create a safe space for students. The safe space was formed by past pupils who approached her with the idea and has grown from there. The school aims to educate, advocate and support students, whether they want to be open or not about their sexuality. There is a strong emphasis on respect, listening and empathy and this is incorporated in the school’s mission statement. Everyone in the school has the right to feel comfortable and safe.
Oliver Weber, Tax Partner and Leader of the Shine network at PwC, gave the closing remarks and thanked all those involved in the organisation of the evening’s event. He outlined that amongst the 3,800 employees of PwC, there are many diverse family entities, including rainbow families that are not known within the company. He spoke of how the discriminatory legislation being enacted in the USA should be a wakeup call for all members of society. He concluded by issuing a call for companies to join in, engage with and sponsor Pride.
The evening concluded with a drink and finger food reception accompanied with live music.
(Panellists, L to R: Loic Choquet; Catherine Dimmock; Catherine Guilleaume; Candida Nedog, moderator; Credit: Adam Walder, PwC)